Tag : hdp


Afghanistan Latest News Update about Carrying Coffin of Beheaded Nine-Year-Old Girl

Guards shot at protestors who had carried the coffin of a young girl to the Afghan president’s palace after she was found beheaded on Saturday. The girl was one of seven Hazaras – a minority group of Persian-speaking Shia Muslims – whose bodies were discovered in the country’s south-eastern Zabul province. It is believed that the group......

Afghanistan News Online: 100 Days on but Gov’t Has yet to Form Cabinet

Afghan presidential inauguration for wahdat info informs that it’s completed its first 100 days on Tuesday but the government has yet to form cabinet, although president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani vowed in his maiden speech on September 29 to form cabinet within 45 days. Meantime, presidential spokesman Nazifullah Salarzai said last......